

Both employers and employees have a growing interest in in-plan retirement income solutions. With 66% of participants concerned about creating an income stream in retirement, this shows a signification interest in retirement planning tools that can convert savings into lifetime income.[1] Offering in-plan retirement income solutions is one way to help participants plan for financial […]

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Life in the middle can be a pickle—just ask any mid-career employee. They’re often caught between a rock and a hard place, or, more accurately, a kid’s college fund and an aging parent’s medical bills. Add to that the rising cost of living, and you’ve got a perfect storm for financial stress. Money and Happiness […]

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Have you ever found yourself pondering the classic “If only I could rewind the clock and share some pearls of wisdom with my younger self” scenario? As an employer, you have the chance to share this knowledge with your employees, especially when it comes to saving for the future. The Impact of Early-Career Saving Hurdles […]

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Just as we routinely replace the batteries in our smoke detectors, it’s equally crucial to give your company’s 401(k) plan the attention it deserves. Often, retirement plans are treated like a smoke detector with fading batteries – they’re there, we know they’re there, but unless there’s an alarming beep, we don’t really bother to examine […]

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As we close the books on last year, employers often find themselves looking for ways to lower their impending tax bills. At the same time, companies are trying to retain and reward top talent. Is there a strategy that accomplishes both? Absolutely, and it’s known as profit sharing. This tax-efficient strategy can serve as a […]

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Introduction to Our Personal Loss In early December, my family experienced the loss of my stepfather, Stuart. Stuart was an incredible man who will be sorely missed. Professionally, he was a very successful dentist who established a great reputation in his industry and community. Personally, his number one priority was his family—and primarily my mom. […]

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As a plan sponsor, one of your primary responsibilities is ensuring that your company’s retirement plan operates smoothly and within the boundaries of compliance regulations. This is no small feat, especially when dealing with the complexities of a 401(k) plan. One of the ways to help enable hassle-free management is by maintaining neat and tidy […]

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With a combination of standard annual tasks and new SECURE Act provisions on your plate, we are here to help you. This article is a helpful guide for wrapping up 2023 smoothly! We will dive into those end-of-year 401(k) tasks that require your attention including plan design review, SECURE Act preparation, Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs), […]

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Operating costs include everyday expenses like salaries, rent and supplies. Profit, on the other hand, is what remains after all these operating costs have been paid. It’s the reward for the risks taken and the value created by your business. Often, savvy business owners will look to tax strategies to help find the sweet spot, […]

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Top 401(k) Plan Headaches The first step is to understand the potential problems. Here are some common issues that can cause headaches for plan sponsors: Navigating the labyrinth of retirement plan management can seem like a daunting challenge for any plan sponsor, employer or 401(k) plan administrator. The various administrative tasks, ranging from uploading payroll […]

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