

Today’s workforce spans a variety of abilities, skills, experiences and cultural backgrounds that bring exceptional value. It is beneficial to understand and recognize these differences to achieve exceptional results. This remains true when offering, communicating and promoting your company’s retirement plan. Raising Awareness Thankfully, your retirement plan is no stranger to reporting. From participation rates, […]

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Your workplace may be evolving in many facets, from remote options to new generations coming into the workforce. These changes reflect those of the larger social climate and, in turn, employee priorities, values and expectations. Many professional and financial decisions are being influenced by these trends, as 53% of consumers are now “value-driven.”[1] Some of […]

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If the term ”audit” makes you uncomfortable, anxious or even scared, you are not alone. Last year, the Department of Labor (DOL) closed 1,122 civil investigations with 754 (67%), resulting in fees, repayments or corrective actions.[1] The agency collected over $3.12 billion in direct payments to plans, participants and beneficiaries. This represents a whopping 300% […]

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Retirement plan committees are super important; they set the direction and priorities of the company’s retirement plan. These actions (or inactions) can have a huge impact on how successful employees are at preparing for retirement. For some plan sponsors, overseeing an organization’s retirement plan can be an overwhelming and taxing exercise. Many companies recognize this […]

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More than a year into the COVID-19 pandemic, there are signs of recovery in the U.S. Millions of vaccines have been administered, businesses and offices are reopening and life is starting to look more like it did pre-pandemic.  All this is cause for optimism. Simultaneously, however, there’s abundant evidence that the pandemic has taken a […]

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Talking about money is tricky, especially at work. While it may seem too personal for work and easier to avoid the conversation, the effects can have a lasting effect on a company. More and more forward-thinking employers are starting to overcome the stigma that surrounds talking finances at work. They are putting to rest their […]

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For the millions of business owners that offer a workplace retirement plan, the COVID-19 pandemic created many financial difficulties. However, as the economic climate improves, there is an opportunity for employers to refresh their company’s retirement plan. With an important plan document restatement deadline happening in 2022, there’s never been a better time for employers […]

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Just ask anyone: Uncle Sam and the retirement industry love acronyms. Another was added in December 2020—PEP—which conveniently rhymes with MEP and SEP. The three plan types are 401(k) cousins[1] meaning they share many fundamental similarities and their main differences relate to the administrative models they use. If you don’t speak fluent tax code or […]

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The CARES Act gave plan participants quick access to funds during the COVID crisis, although only about 6% of participants took advantage of the options offered.[1] However, as a plan sponsor you must understand your own obligations and how to keep your plan in good standing. In most cases, the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic […]

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